The team

Our team consists of creative, highly qualified, motivated, dedicated employees, both in Germany and in nearly 10 other countries. The results of our teamwork are high quality and good and equal communication for the benefit of our customers as well as our applicants.

Creativity is the ticket to the future. Your ticket to the future is ready. Your Pro Select team will make sure of it.

The core team in Germany

Our main location is in Gaiberg, near Heidelberg, in the beautiful state of Baden-Württemberg. Here you will meet our core team.

Sabine Faller

Founder and Managing Director

Tsiala Miccoli

HR manager

Albano Kokoli

HR manager

Bernhard Fellhauer

Integration Officer

Katerina Stojanovska

Integration Manager

Skylar Falcone

Auszubildende Kauffrau für Büromanagement

Your international personnel consultants

In your home country Pro Select provides you with competent personnel consultants for all questions. We advise and accompany you as a healthcare professional on your way to Germany.

Your friendly human resources consultant will show you the individual steps towards recognition by the German authorities and will accompany you personally and quickly on your way to Germany.

Lasha Martashvili

Personalberater für Georgien

Marjanco Stoilov

Personalberater für Nordmazedonien, Bosnien & Herzegowina und Tunesien

Linda Gerxhaliu

Personnel consultant for Kosovo and Albania

Daniel Fabris

HR consultant for Morocco

Sina Kunz-Blagiu

Human resources consultant for Tunisia
